Postdoc Job at Millennium Nucleus Physics of Active Matter


    Job description
    Postdoc Applications

    We invite interested young researchers to apply for postdoc positions available at the group “Millennium Nucleus Physics of Active Matter” at the Physics department of the University of Chile (Santiago). The applicants should have a strong training in physics or disciplines related to the project (see below) with skills in theoretical, numerical and/or experimental research. The selected candidates will participate in an open work atmosphere of collaboration between theoreticians and experimentalists working in different problems related to the “Physics of Active Matter”.

    We are particularly interested in developing:

    1-Stochastic Thermodynamics and other theoretical approaches for active matter and non-equilibrium systems in general.
    2-Experimental techniques for the study of bacterial suspensions in microfluidic devices.
    3-Simulations of bacterial suspensions, active tissues, or active colloids.

    More information can be found in

    Or in the personal web pages of the principal investigators:

    Felipe Barra
    María Luisa Cordero
    Rodrigo Soto

    Financial support from our side is committed for one year and will be extended yearly upon agreement between the two parties. In consist in a monthly salary of 1.770.000 Chilean pesos (2800 USD approx). Operational expenses and expenses associated to conferences (such as plane tickets, etc.) can be covered from our research budget.

    Candidates should send a CV, research interests, and the names and contact information of 2-3 researches that can provide references to prof. Felipe Barra, For any further information, please feel free to contact

    Felipe Barra:

    Areas of Research
    Computational Physics
    Fluid Mechanics