Physicists from ESPCI and Stanford visit the Millennium Nucleus to give seminars and talks

Olivier Dauchot, from ESPCI, France, and Arnold Mathijsseen, from Stanford University will be visiting the Millennium Nucleus during December, sharing with students, researchers and speaking to all audiences.

Between December 10th – 26th, the Millennium Nucleus Physics of Active Matter will receive two important visitors: Olivier Dauchot, Professor at the École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (ESPCI, Paris, France) and Arnold Mathijsseen, Professor at Stanford University, United States.
Both physicists, invited by the Millennium Nucleus, come to Chile to this center specialized in active matter to hold courses oriented to students and physics researchers, technical seminars and talks open to all public.

Active Matter
Olivier Dauchot leads the EC2M research team (Collective Effects in Soft Matter), part of the CNRS Gulliver laboratory of which he is the Assistant Director, at the Higher School of Physics and Industrial Chemistry of Paris (ESPCI).
His work focuses on developing model experiments to study the systems of particles outside equilibrium, such as active matter. Based on his experimental observations, he develops numerous collaborations with theoretical teams from all over the world, among them, the Millennium Nucleus Physics of Active Matter, housed in the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile.
The French physicist, who will be in Chile between December 11th – 16th, will give a talk for general public on Wednesday, December 12th, at 12:00 p.m., entitled “Active matter: at the interface of living organisms and physics” which will be developed in Beauchef 850, Room F12, in the Department of Physics.
Meanwhile, on Thursday 13th at 10 in the morning, he will dictate a technical seminar in the Laboratory of Matter Out of Balance of the Department of Physics (Beauchef 850) for students of the common plan, physics, and teachers.

See details here

Arnold Mathijssen, a researcher from Stanford University, will visit the Millennium Nucleus between December 10th – 26th, occasion in which he will hold a course of three sessions, in the week of December 17th – 21st , titled: “Hydrodynamics of microswimmers”.
The talks will be in English and do not need pre-registration.