First chapter of Scientific Dialogs in Qué Pasa magazine


Author: Qué Pasa Magazine

Are we living a new geological era marked by human action?
Is one of the questions Maisa Rojas, Climatologist answered to Felipe Barra, Physicist of the Millennium Nucleus Physics of Active Matter.
How climate change will affect Chile? Did you know 15% of carbon remains in the atmosphere for generations? Will the future geologists find plastic sediments in the earth’s crust as irrefutable proof of the human activity on the planet?
“Climate change has some consequences that are already irreversible and others that are still reversible. There is a lot to do to change the course and when we make it, there are going to appear a lot of opportunities. This message is not intended to be catastrophic, but about hope and opportunities”, says Maisa Rojas, Climatologist of the University of Chile and Director of the Climate Science and Resilience Center (CR2).
Rojas is the only scientist of the COP25 Presidential Council that is collaborating in the organization of the Climate Summit that will be carried out in Chile in December of this year. “I felt very happy when they invited me for two reasons: first, because climate change has not been treated like an environmental issue but as a process of deep social transformation and second, I am glad Science Minister is present, because every international negotiation process and the Framework Convention on Climate Change is a process that has to do with science”. Said Rojas in an interview for Qué Pasa magazine on April 17th, little after being elected in change.

See the video here: