Second chapter of Scientific Dialogs in Qué Pasa magazine


Is the CRISPR the genetic edition technique that will revolutionize medicine in the future? This is one of the questions Florencia Tevy, Ph.D. in Genomics answers to Rodrigo Soto, Director of the Millennium Nucleus Physics of Active Matter. Both give life to the second chapter of the series Scientific Dialogs: “CRISPR: A revolution in genetic edition”. Qué Pasa magazine shows it in the following publication:

Read the full publication here:

CRISPR-Cas 9 is an easy to use and low-cost kind of genetic scissor. It allows to “cut and paste” sections of the DNA in the cells of any organism, including human cells.
This means that it could “cut” our defective genes and replace them with normal genes, a fact that would open huge possibilities to cure genetic diseases. It is for this reason that it has been described as one of the most important advances in modern science.
However, there are many doubts about its scope and, especially, about its security and possible side effects in humans, a subject that already has the scientific world in the middle of an ethical debate.
The second chapter of the Scientific Dialogs series is precisely about the genetic edition technique and is called: “CRISPR: A revolution in genetic edition”, chapter in which Florencia Tevy, Ph.D. in genomics, CEO of the GEDIS Biotech and member of the RedI (a female network of researchers) tells us about the CRISPR-Cas 9, the new genetic edition tool and where this area is moving.
“It is required to communicate and form people about an area that is going to affect the conservation of the biodiversity, generate tools to maintain the production of the agroforestry sector and that it will affect human rights, since we are only a step away from having to debate and legislate about our new human rights”, says Tevy.
The interview was done by Rodrigo Soto, Director of the Millennium Nucleus as part of a series of videos of scientific outreach in a Millennium Nucleus attempt to approach science to people.
“As scientists, we investigate to generate new knowledge that allows us to understand nature. It is important that this new knowledge is available not only for the scientific community and the engineers that will look for applications but also for the public so they can be amazed by understanding how nature works and comprehending how the world will be in the future”, Soto says.

See the video here: