Summer Practices End


With the traditional poster session, in which students expose the main results of their research work, they finalized the summer practices 2019 that took place from January 3th to January 28th. These were taught by academics from the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences from the University of Chile (Departamento de Física de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile, DFI), in conjunction with the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Chile (Departamento de Física de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Chile, DFC.)

Located in the DFI, the Millennium Nucleus Physics of Active Matter (Núcleo Milenio Física de la Materia Activa) was not alien to this process. In this version 2019, it selected 10 students in practice, who worked on experiments, simulations of bacteria and theory, under the tutorship of professors Rodrigo Soto, Director of the Nucleus, María Luisa Cordero, Deputy Director, Francisca Guzmán, guest researcher, Nicolás Rivas, postdoctoral researcher, Néstor Sepúlveda, young researcher and Pablo Mardones, PhD student of the Nucleus.

María Luisa Cordero pointed out that, although one month is a short time to advance in research, these practices allow the students to have a first approach and acquire experience in the scientific work field.

This year, the Nucleus offered six topics to be developed by the students: “Growth curve and activity of motile bacterial strains”, “Surface tension of a suspension of motile bacteria”, “Microdroplets in uniform flow deformations”, “Active viscosity of a bacterial suspension “,” Active viscosity of a bacterial suspension calculation” and “Diffusion and chemotaxis in models of bacteria with non-Poissonian dynamics.”