Our achievements are:

–Habilitation of a laboratory in the University of Chile to study bacterial suspensions in microfluidic environments.

–Description of the properties of bacterial systems in conditions of confinement, identifying its thermodynamic phases.

–Analysis of the fluxes produced by bacterial carpets and their possible role in the nutrition of the same.

–Construction of microfluidic experimental devices to generate and study the dynamic of confined drops.

–Fabrication of two motor of motors, executed with bacteria confined in microdroplets.

–Design of a mechanism for the controlled building of microrobots made with active colloids.

–Description of migration and coordination of cells during the development of embryos of fishes.

–Characterization of the stability of epithelial tissues subjected to active efforts of the cells.

–Classic and quantic description of thermodynamic systems and, in particular, description of open systems.

–Complete characterization of bacterial swimming systems and how they respond to chemical signals.

–Formation of post-doctorates (8); masters (3 graduates and 3 thesis students) and doctors (1 graduated and 4 thesis students).

–Production of 16 publications; one in Nature Communications, one in Science Advances, and three in Physical Review Letters..